Dumpster Sizes

Dumpster Sizes

Rental Dumpsters vary in size, dimension, and therefore, capacity. Some dumpsters are marked only for household waste (not construction materials), so be sure to check these details with the product profiles below. Each profile lists the overall dimensions and details related to the renting process.

2 Yard Rearload

2 Yard Rearload

Our smallest commercial dumpster

Dimensions: 63" long x 43" wide x 48" tall

For our Business clients, we offer commercial containers 2 yards in size. These are our smallest option. Choose your frequency: from 1 to 6 times per week depending on your need. Availability for pick up is also based on your location.

The following links will help you to decide the appropriate container size for your specific needs. Review container enclosure specifications also which detail our agreement with clients.

4 Yard Rearload

4 Yard Rearload

Small residential/commercial dumpster

Dimensions: 90" long x 63" wide x 49.5" tall

For household waste *only*. These are not approved for construction waste materials.

6 Yard Rearload

6 Yard Rearload

Medium residential/commercial rearload

Dimensions: 124" long x 63" wide x 49.5" tall

For household waste *only*

8 Yard Rearload

8 Yard Rearload

Medium commercial rearload

Dimensions: 154.5" long x 63" wide x 49.5" tall

10 Yard Rolloff

10 Yard Rolloff

Small commercial roll-off

Dimensions: 12' long x 8' wide x 3' tall

These are one of our most popular options as our baseline model of commercial dumpster.

See also our 15-Yard Open Top Rolloff.

15 Yard Rolloff

15 Yard Rolloff

Medium commercial roll-off

Dimensions: 12' long x 8' wide x 4' tall

This is a great option for businesses that need a little more volume than the baseline 10-Yard model.

See also: Our 10-Yard Open Top Rolloff

20 Yard Rolloff

20 Yard Rolloff

Large residential/commercial roll-off

Dimensions: 20' long x 7'11" wide x 4'2" tall

For construction materials and other bulk waste.

30 Yard Rolloff

30 Yard Rolloff

Largest residential/commercial roll-off

Dimensions: 20' long x 7'11" wide x 6'2" tall

This is the largest dumpster we offer

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